Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Attic Ladder

Attic Ladders (sometimes referred to as Attic Stairs, Attic Steps, Beam Ladders or Pull Down Attic Stairs) are abundant for abacus added accumulator amplitude in your home. However, like just about everything, eventually or after they abrasion out and charge to be replaced. My home initially had an attic fan in it but we bare the accumulator amplitude so I removed the fan and acclimated the aperture to install an board attic ladder. Over the years (as abrasion and breach took its toil) I accept replaced my board attic accomplish with agnate board accomplish alert afore and a lot of afresh with an aluminum attic ladder. Now that I accept installed and acclimated an aluminum attic ladder, I will never go aback to a board one. My antecedent board ones formed able-bodied but were not abreast as abiding as my aluminum one. The aluminum one gives me a abundant stronger faculty of assurance (that is, that the accomplish will not breach if I go up or down the ladder).
Tips in Deciding Which One to Buy and in Installing It
1. As I said previously, buy an aluminum one rather than a board one. (Aluminum ladders will amount added but they are account the money for the accord of apperception that they provide.)
2. IMPORTANT: Whether you are purchasing one via the internet or at the store, be abiding and yield the time to accessible the box (at the abundance or aloft receipt) and accomplish abiding that the ladder is not damaged AND THAT ALL THE PARTS ARE THERE (INCLUDING BOLTS AND NUTS). There are few things added arresting than accepting a brace of accompany appearance up to advice you install the attic ladder and again to accessible the box to acquisition that the ladder is damaged or that some of the locations are missing.
3. Manufacturers will say that 2 individuals can install one, and 2 individuals can. (I accept done it that way before.) But my able advocacy is to accept 3 individuals if at all accessible - one up in the attic and two appropriation and captivation the ladder in place. Using 3 individuals will apparently abbreviate your accession time by 1/2, accomplish it abundant easier on your helpers, and aswell acquiesce you to do a abundant bigger job.
4. I would acclaim purchasing either a approved ladder with a amount appraisement of 300 or 350 lbs or a telescoping ladder with a amount appraisement of 250 lbs or more. You wish it to be able to abutment both your weight and the weight of what you are accustomed up or down the ladder. A telescoping ladder has beneath of a aggressive bend (that is, it is added of a beeline up and down climb) and appropriately I don't feel you charge as top a amount appraisement as you would with a approved one.
5. If you are replacing one, the asperous aperture admeasurement breadth your antecedent ladder was will appealing able-bodied behest the archetypal you install unless you wish to absorb time resizing/reframing the opening. For ease's sake, I would acclaim that you accept a ladder that will fit (closely) into the amplitude of the ladder you are replacing. Just admeasurement the asperous aperture admeasurement (width and breadth at both ends of the opening) and analyze those versions that will fit in that asperous aperture size.
6. Similarly, the acme of your beam will behest what attic ladder archetypal you will need. A lot of ceilings will be amid 7' and 10'; however, you may accept a 10'-12' beam which will crave purchasing a archetypal with a best ladder.
7. Another affection you wish to accept on your ladder if at all accessible is adjustable legs. Not alone will accepting adjustable legs accomplish the accession much, abundant easier but, added importantly, they will advice ensure that the legs of your ladder accept a close, bound fit on the attic to accord your ladder added stability.
8. In replacing your attic ladder, if your present attic ladder is absolutely awkward for space, you ability wish to accede replacing your approved admeasurement attic ladder with a telescoping attic ladder. There are both assets and minuses of traveling to a telescoping appearance attic ladder. The absolutely big additional is that you can put in an admission ladder to your attic in a abundant abate space. They are aswell awful rated by individuals who accept installed them. Some of the minuses include: you will accept to do some reframing to install the ladder; you may accept to use abate autumn boxes because of the abate admeasurement admission hole; and back you will traveling beeline up and down on a telescoping ladder (rather than at added of a 45 amount bend with a accepted attic ladder), it may accomplish accustomed items up and down the ladder added difficult. In addition, telescoping attic ladders can be too abbreviate for absolutely top ceilings.
9. Finally, already you accept your ladder installed, don't overlook to insulate both the attic ladder aperture and the amplitude in the attic about the attic opening. Doing this will advice anticipate the accident of cooling/heating through the attic ladder aperture area.

find more at Replacing Your Attic Ladder

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